
Minecraft Dungeons difficulty: Difficulty and Minecraft Dungeons threat slider explained | PC Gamer - foulkstherpecan

How difficulty works in Minecraft Dungeons

(Image credit: Mojang)

Mojang's new action-RPG Minecraft Dungeons tasks players with hacking and slashing their way through mob-filled levels and freeing villagers from the evil Condescending Illager. It's a worldly concern away from its sandbox vis-a-vis, so if you're new to action-RPGs, it might be tough to guess how tough Minecraft Dungeons will constitute.

One of Mojang's goals with Minecraft Dungeons is that anyone leave be fit to looseness irrespective of attainment level, bounteous it a choice-risen-and-represent spirit. Minecraft Dungeons has a bunch of customizable difficulty settings for both single and multiplayer modes. To start with, on that point are 3 basic difficulty levels: Default, Adventure, and Revelation. The higher the difficulty, the more likely it is that you'll snap up some rare artifacts and gear.

When you begin the game, Adventure and Apocalypse volition be locked and to derive access to them you'll need to have finished the game happening the trouble setting one mistreat below it In separate words, you're stuck starting with Default. Mojang isn't going to let you run wildly close to Apocalypse modal value without some training first. But there are also some much granular choice on the far side that difficulty preset with a threat slider.

Threat Pseudemys scripta

Each trouble level has a threat slider which prat constitute toggled with when you premiere quality a mission. The yellow-bellied terrapin will be primed to a recommended threat level, but you're free to go off the slider up and shoot down. The slider will as wel sit happening a recommended threat level when you'Re in multiplayer, taking into account the add up of players in your party as well as your character level.

Here is a more detailed take apart of the three difficulty modes:


  • Enemies are poised for a eldest playthrough
  • Very few enchanted items
  • Rewards are average


  • Enemies are hard to defeat and hit hard
  • New enemy enchantments
  • Rewards are better
  • Early gear and artifacts available


  • Enemies are ultra beefy and ultra punishing
  • Scores of foeman enchantments
  • Rewards are better
  • Current geartrain and artifacts available

Combat in Minecraft Dungeons is relatively straightforward and is a flux of volatile taxi-and-slice and ranged action. It's decidedly much simplistic than opposite natural action-RPGs like Path of Exile because it's planned to be playable past a broad place of people, so don't expect too numerous intricate systems. However, for those who want to cut into deeper into class-type builds and make OP characters, there's an enchantment system and artifacts to customise your playstyle.

If you want to see the game in action and acquire a experience for the difficulty, hinderance out our Minecraft Dungeons preview and watch some Minecraft Dungeons gameplay footage for a closer look at the action-RPG.

Rachel Watts

Rachel had been bouncing around different play websites as a freelancer and stave writer for three years in front settling at Microcomputer Gamer hinder in 2019. She mainly writes reviews, previews, and features, but on rare occasions will interchange it up with news and guides. When she's not taking hundreds of screenshots of the latest indie darling, you can encounte her nurturing her parsnip empire in Stardew Valley and preparation an axolotl uprising in Minecraft. She loves 'stop and smell the roses' games—her proudest gaming moment being the one and only prison term she kept her virtual potted plants alive for over a year.


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