Alter volume, sound, & vibrate settings

You can make your phone's volume louder or quieter. Y'all tin can as well modify your ringtone, sound, and vibration.

Plow your volume up or down

  1. Press a volume button.
  2. At the right, tap the CarteMore.
    • If you don't find Settings, go to the steps for older Android versions.
  3. Slide the volume levels to where you want them:
    • Media volume: Music, videos, games, other media
    • Call volume: Book of the other person during a call
    • Ring book: Phone calls, notifications
    • Warning volume


  • To have your Google Assistant change your phone'due south book for you, say or tap Hey Google, change volume.
  • If your phone is paired to more than ane Bluetooth device, y'all can change where you hear music, videos, and games. Under "Media volume," tap Play media to.
  • When yous press a volume button, the volume that changes depends on what you're doing. For example, if yous're watching a flick, the movie volume changes. If you press your volume buttons when y'all're not listening to anything, your media volume changes.

Plough on vibrate or mute

  1. Press a volume button.
  2. At the right, to a higher place the slider, tap Ring .

Modify what happens when you press Power + Book upward

Tip: To quickly turn on vibrate, press Power + Volume upward.

  1. Open your phone'south Settings app.
  2. Tap Sound & vibration And then Shortcut to prevent ringing.
  3. Turn Preclude ringing on or off.
    • If yous don't see "Forestall ringing," become to the steps for older Android versions.
  4. Choose what happens when yous press Ability and Volume up:
    • Vibrate: Telephone calls and notifications vibrate
    • Mute: Phone calls and notifications are silent

Alter ringtones

Change your ringtone

  1. Open your phone's Settings app.
  2. Tap Audio & vibration And thenPhone ringtone.
  3. Option a ringtone.
  4. Tap Relieve.

Alter other sounds & vibrations

Choose keyboard sounds & vibrations

To change typing sounds and vibrations, you may need to change your keyboard's settings. For instance, to modify Gboard sounds:

  1. Open your phone's Settings app.
  2. Tap System And then Languages & input.
  3. Tap Virtual keyboard And then Gboard.
  4. Tap Preferences.
  5. Turn on or off:
    • Sound on keypress
    • Haptic feedback on keypress
      Note: If yous don't come across "Haptic feedback on keypress," tap Vibrate on keypress.

Tip: If you have Gboard "Haptic feedback on keypress" turned on, make certain that "Bear on vibration" is also on. Learn how to plough on "Touch vibration."

Change emergency broadcast settings

Important: You lot tin can use this setting to manage certain emergency messages, like disaster warnings, threat notifications, and Bister alerts. Y'all tin can turn alert types on or off, view past alerts, and control audio and vibration.

  1. Open your phone's Settings app.
  2. Tap Notificationsand then Wireless emergency alerts.

You can use this setting to manage certain emergency messages, like disaster warnings, threat notifications, and Amber alerts.

If you lot use an older Android version

Change what happens when you press Power + Volume up

  1. Open your phone'due south Settings app.
  2. Tap Audio And then Shortcut to forbid ringing.
  3. Tap Press Power & Volume Up together.
  4. Choose what happens:
    • Vibrate: Telephone calls and notifications vibrate
    • Mute: Phone calls and notifications are silent
    • Practise nothing

Plough your volume up or down

  1. Press a book push button.
  2. At the right, tap the Down arrowDown arrow.
  3. Cull the volume type:

Tip:Yous can also change volumes from your Settings appAnd then Southound.

Plow on vibrate

To accept your phone vibrate just (non make sounds), printing and hold the volume down button until your phone vibrates.

If your media volume gets turned down instead:

  • At the right, tap the Down arrodue west .
  • Slide "Band" all the manner to the left.

Tip:When your phone is in vibrate fashion, you'll see Vibrateastward.

Related resources

  • Control your notifications
  • Silence your phone with Do Not Disturb
  • Set, cancel, or snooze alarms

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